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Our Story

My name is Lynn, and I am the pie maker.

I love pie. I love people. I love bringing people together over pie. Well, honestly, I love bringing people together over any food…but pie is my thing.


Pie evokes emotion in people. I am not sure why. Maybe because folks know that time, love and care go into making it. Maybe because it conjures memories of a time gone by. Whatever the reason, something happens to a person when they eat handmade, scratch-made pie, and I love witnessing it.

Lynn Muir placing empty pie shells on a baking sheet.

For sentimental reasons pie holds a special place in my heart. When I was young, my family would spend the Thanksgiving holiday at my grandparents' home in the Laurel Mountains of Pennsylvania. It was there I fell in love with pie. In particular, my grandmother Mae’s chocolate pie.


On one special evening she invited me into her kitchen and asked if I wanted to have a piece of pie and play Gin Rummy with her. I was delighted! I had no idea what Gin Rummy was, but if playing it included her pie I was in!


That evening was the first of many we would share sitting around her kitchen table enjoying a rousing game of cards. The fare was not always pie, but the result was always the same –– a satiated tummy and a happy heart. I don’t know if it was the food or the company, but one thing is certain –– those times together talking, laughing, and eating are moments I cherish and strive to recreate for my own family and others.


Slowly and quietly, a beautiful thing has happened in downtown Edmond, Oklahoma. With the help of some amazing individuals, life has been breathed into a modern-day version of my grandmother’s kitchen. It’s bigger and fancier –– but it feels the same. Warm, inviting, friendly, and engaging. We absolutely cannot wait to share it with you! The clock ticks slower here. Friends become family as we talk, laugh, and share life over freshly baked pie.


We hope our pie and this special place will transport you to a time when food was real, conversation was face to face, things were simpler, and spending time talking and enjoying each other was a priority.


Welcome to Railyard Pie Company! We are so happy you’re here!

A photo taken in 1997 of Lynn Muir and her grandma Mae.

Lynn and Grandma Mae, 1997

Railyard Pie Company logo


Monday – Saturday

10 a.m. - 8 p.m.


19 W 1st St, Suite 150

Edmond, OK 73003



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